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A Total Detox That Will Show Results

January 09, 202212 min read

We all know we need to do a total detox, but no one wants to do it. Well, take this as a sign that it’s time to start. 

Day 1 of 10 is almost complete, and here’s how it went.

Last night, I didn’t sleep for longer than 45 minutes at a time because of those stupid Dexcom false alarms. So, I woke up absolutely exhausted. It felt really weird to not reach for my preferred supplement capsules. I mean, I’ve done that every single morning for eight years now! To curb the temptation, I’ve actually moved them away from my nightstand for the next nine nights.

Instead, I started by taking my three morning detox capsules and getting the kids ready for school. I made myself an apple cider vinegar, lemon, and cayenne tea while they were getting ready. Once I dropped them off, I went straight to the grocery store to get stocked up on fresh veggies, fruit, and fish.

By the time I got home, my head was killing me. I unloaded the groceries and decided it was time for a nap. Headaches and napping were my normal before Thrive.

After I took a two-hour nap, my head was still killing me. So, I went for a Double Thirst. Once Thirst IC and one regular Thirst. Then, I slapped on a DFT. I’m pretty sure this is what saved me. I didn’t realize detoxes would start off this hard, but I’ll keep going because I know it will be worth it.

After the DFT kicked in, I was finally able to start meal prepping while I drank some green tea with lemon. Of course, I’m not going to leave you hanging. I’m going to give you some suggestions that you can use when prepping your meals. My family is low-carb, so the meals I’ve included are also low-carb. However, that doesn’t mean you have to go low-carb for your detox!

Here’s a quick rundown of what I meal prepped.

  • Baked salmon with lemon olive oil salt and pepper. If I had any rosemary, I would have added that too. 

  • Roasted butternut squash with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic mixed salt. If you’ve never made butternut squash, you have to try it!

  • Sautéed shrimp with lemon garlic, salt, and pepper. 

My meal prep isn’t fancy. It’s based mainly on veggies and fish because we digest fish and shrimp more quickly than other meats.

Detox Day 2: No More Side Effects of the Detox

I just kept telling myself that I can do this! I know I need to do this total detox and it’s worth it!

How did you do on your second day?

Day two went much better! I was so relieved when I didn’t wake up with a headache. I took my three detox capsules as soon as I woke up. Then, I followed it up by drinking a little detox tea of apple cider vinegar, water, dandelion, and lemon. After that, I waited until about 10:30 am to drink a Thirst.

I waited to eat my first meal until 1:00 pm and I had a spinach salad with shrimp. G HUGES dressings are my absolute favorite to add on a salad. We discovered these when our family went low carb after Gunnar’s diabetes. They have no high fructose corn syrup, they’re sugar-free and gluten-free, and they’re so yummy!

total detox salad

My Day One Salad and Favorite Dressing

Surprisingly, I wasn’t hungry for a snack. I even baked bread for Gunnar, and I wasn’t even tempted to sample it. Probably a good sign that this total cleanse is working!

For dinner, I had salmon, shrimp, butternut squash, and a salad with strawberries and blueberries. It’s a total cleanse, so of course, I’ve been drinking a ton of water and putting lemon in almost every glass I drink! I keep getting more and more excited about these detox results!

Do you think this detox will also clear out all of my allergy issues? Lol!

Detox Day Three: It’s Working!

The scale is already moving. It’s still hard to get going in the mornings, but it’s not impossible. I’ve always said the capsules have a dose of motivation in them, and I stand firm on that.

I got the kids to school and took another nap. My husband Ralph took one too! Today is his first day of the detox. Honestly, he wanted nothing to do with this because he has some very busy days ahead, but I talked him into it.

I had a headache today, but my mixture of Thirst IC and regular Thirst knocked it out pretty quickly. The combination of caffeine and electrolytes really did the trick!

For lunch, we made a salad. Then for dinner, Ralph made Swai and tilapia on the grill. I used the mandolin and sliced some zucchini to throw in the air fryer. We also boiled some cabbage. To get ahead of the game, we meal-prepped some egg white muffins with kale, sweet mini peppers, and mushrooms for tomorrow.

Overall, I’m excited about where we’ll be at the end of the ten-day detox. I think knowing it’s working is the best!

Doesn’t this look delicious?!

Total Detox Day Four and Five

I’m going to be honest with you. I didn’t make an update post last night because I just wasn’t feeling it. I am definitely releasing some toxins. It’s crazy to me how effective this detox is.

But, it’s a new day! I feel so much better and I’m down six pounds from day two. I guess I should have weighed myself on day one, but I never thought this would be a weight loss detox!

I’m sharing what we are eating, but this detox doesn’t have to be a “diet.” The goal is to give your body something to work with. The goal is to eat as clean as you can and to eat foods that digest more quickly than others.

For lunch on day four, we had leftover tilapia with cabbage and zucchini. The egg white muffins we made for breakfast ended up being more of a snack. Then, for dinner, we had catfish with leeks and brussels sprouts.

On day five, we had leftover catfish with mushrooms and brussels sprouts for lunch. We followed it up with a beet juice smoothie. For a snack, we drank an egg white chocolate protein shake. Ralph made mahi-mahi for dinner, and it was delicious. I wrapped mine in a crepini. For those who don’t know, a crepini is a wrap made out of egg and cauliflower!

At this point, I’m halfway through this detox. There are only five days left! This is a great experience, but I can’t wait to start my three steps again.

Thrivers, don’t give up! We are halfway through. Did you lose weight at this point in your detox?

Detox Day Six and Seven

Day six was all about the boys, so I didn’t have a lot of time to even think about this detox. The boys had so many events going on, it was hard to keep track of them, non the less the detox.

As always, here’s a quick meal recap. We had leftover mahi-mahi wrapped in a crepini with power greens and capers for lunch. You always have to make good use of your leftovers! For a snack, I had a chocolate egg white protein shake with peanut butter in almond milk. It was super yummy. Then, I snacked on a little bit of shrimp and peanuts for dinner because I was too busy helping the boys to cook anything substantial.

Overall, day six was great. I had the energy to enjoy the day with Thrive Café, Heat, and Pure. Don’t judge! I just love our products!

Day seven was a turnaround day! I felt lighter, didn’t have a headache, and I’m down seven pounds. I drank a detox tea to start my day, and then I had some of our yummy Café. Those egg white muffins came in handy for a quick breakfast, but I still needed a mid-morning snack. So, I made a chocolate peanut butter blueberry kale almond milk smoothie. What a mouthful! Ralph laughed at me, but it was actually really good!

For lunch, I had cucumber slices with red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. I also had a kale salad with fish, tomatoes, pickled asparagus, and avocado. We went out for dinner, and it was the first time during this total detox that we went out to eat. I still stuck with my fish diet, and I got salmon, broccolini, cauliflower, and spinach. It was amazing!

Amazing, day seven salmon dinner.

I feel so good! I’m going to commit to doing a detox every 90 days.

The Final Days of the Total Detox

Day eight was kind of a blur. We had a super bowl party with the twins, and we ate at a restaurant. I made smart salad selections for dinner. Then, I did a charcoal mask detox, and then a salt detox bath with Epsom salt, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and lavender and peppermint essential oils.

I had a busy schedule on day nine too. There was a local event in Liberty Hill, and I had a lot of fun. I ate a salad for dinner. I can’t remember everything that was on it, but it was delicious!

On day ten, the last day, I had lunch with my amazing team. I had salmon, brussels sprouts, and a salad. Ralph made dinner again. He made fish with bell peppers and jalapenos.

Get together in Liberty Hill.

Sample Grocery List

Here is an itemized grocery list that you can take inspiration from when you start your total detox! Just because you want to eat clean, doesn’t mean your food has to be boring.

  • Apples

  • Avocado

  • Artichokes

  • Beets

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

  • Lemons

  • Walnuts 

  • Ginger

  • Edamame 

  • Cucumbers 

  • Zucchini 

  • Acorn squash 

  • Veggie spirals 

  • Spinach

  • Tomatoes

  • Kale

  • Pickles 

  • Tuna 

  • Vegetable broth 

  • Riced cauliflower 

  • Green tea

  • Egg white protein powder 

If you want to expand on this list, here are a few of my favorite mid-day snacks. Blueberries and strawberries are simple and easy to-go snacks. Bags of peanuts are great too, just make sure they’re not over salted or covered in sugar. I also love classic snacks like celery with peanut butter.

The Total Detox Is Over!

My day ten is complete! My body got rid of some serious inflammation and toxins. I lost 8.8 pounds during the detox and then I lost some more. In the end, I lost a total of ten pounds because of this detox! Plus, I maintained that loss over the holidays!

If you’re thinking about starting this detox, I suggest joining an accountability group. These groups will give you a ton of support and they will provide you with amazing tips. Here’s a tip to start you off, a serving a BOOST equals 16 servings of fruit and vegetables. Just something to think about! BOOST was a lifesaver during my detox.

For more information and inspiration, join my accountability group! Make sure to let me know you found this group from “Mauria’s Detox Blog Post.”  

These products will be a lifesaver during your total detox. They were for me.

Sometimes one person’s opinion isn’t enough to convince you, and I totally get that.

Here’s what my friends have to say about the total detox:

Crystal Norris said, “I ate a lot of veggies, rice, and fish. I was over the fish by day 5 so I would change it up with different varieties. A couple of days in a hurry I would heat up my rice and add one of those flavored tuna packages to it. I was surprised at how good it was! I also ate a lot of olives, avocados, raw veggies, and peanut butter. So, I was really pleased with my results!”

Kendra Ollinger shared some of her favorite go-to options on her shopping list. She buys items like hummus, Jell-O, chocolate, meatless meat, cauliflower crust, edamame, pickles, spaghetti squash, black beans, corn, veggie stir fry, bakes potatoes, and chili. She also likes to make lettuce sandwiches, taco soup, sweet potato fries, and fried rice.

Kendra is a great example of how you can eat a variety of different and delicious foods, even while you’re detoxing.

Jen Ellis said she loves soup, especially on cold days. So, she found this yummy soup recipe. She added green beans and black beans and cooked on low for about two hours once all of the ingredients were added. I don’t know about you, but I think that sounds fantastic.

The soup recipe:

Place five chopped carrots, three chopped onions, two cans of peeled tomatoes, one large head of chopped cabbage, a can of cut green beans, two diced green bell peppers, and ten stalks of chopped celery into a large pot. Then, add one package of onion soup mix, two quarts of tomato juice, and one can of beef broth. All you have to do is let it simmer until the vegetables are tender!

Alma hammer says, “This was freaking amazing!! Mike created yet another scrumptious dinner good for our 10 Day Total Detox!”

He doesn’t measure anything, but here’s the dinner recipe: 

  • Sauté bell pepper and onion in oil and a couple tablespoons of butter with some garlic. 

  • Add salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes, or season to your liking. 

  • Add spinach and cook till wilted. 

  • Then, add shrimp and cook till pink.

  • Add ginger paste and stir. 

  • After that, add soy sauce and stir. 

  • Add a tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of water together in a sperate bowl. Then, add it to the pan and thicken everything up. 

  • Add peanuts if desired. 

  • Add halved cherry tomatoes if desired.

  • Serve over jasmine rice. 

I couldn’t recommend this total detox enough. I think everyone should try it at least once, just to see how amazing it feels. Who knows, you could love it as much as I do and decide to do it every 90 days!

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