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mauria dillard Inspired Living In 30 Days

Inspired Living In 30 Days

June 30, 20215 min read

mauria dillard

“I’m not enough.” These words hurt the majority of us throughout our lives. Most of us recognize the words as lies but aren’t quite sure how to silence them. You see, no one teaches us how to love and value ourselves. There’s no high school class that shows us how to find our potential or utilize our power as women. We have to learn it on our own. Then, we have to teach each other how to build our lives through inspired living.

It took me a long time to see the value and strength I possess. My hope is that in sharing some of my journey, I can encourage you to live a more authentic and empowered life.

Self-Talk Is Key To Inspired Living

How you speak to yourself, and your internal narrative is more important than most people think. It’s much easier to ignore other people’s opinions, but they’re hard to discredit when they’re in your head. You’re your own harshest critic; I’m the same way.

I was so hard on myself when it came to who I was as a daughter, wife, mother, and even who I saw in the mirror. Eventually, I realized that I have the power to change my internal monologue. I started digging into who my Creator says I am and daily affirmations to remind myself that I am beautiful, intelligent, and full of faith. These affirmations changed my life and brought me into inspired living.

See Yourself In His Image

Even if you can’t see your beauty, God can. He created you in His image, and nothing can change that. When you’re having a tough time finding something to love about yourself, remember that He loves you. That’s enough of a reason to love the person you’ve become.

God made you with a specific purpose. I guarantee you; He did not create you and put you on this earth just for you to think you’re not good enough. He sees you as a beautiful and wonderful creation with purpose.

The Importance Of Affirmations

When you first hear about affirmations, it can sound like a load of nonsense. Well, they work because the saying is true; our thoughts dictate our reality and help us with inspired living. What we speak about, we bring about. Whether we realize it or not, we internalize any negative self-talk. That means we will also internalize any self-love.

The act of changing our internal monologues from negative to positive is a difficult task, especially if you’ve been tearing yourself down for so long. Affirmations are the first step to taking back control. Repeating positive affirmations will change how you see yourself, and soon you’ll also see that change in the world around you.

You’re Unique

In addition to the affirmations, I stopped comparing myself to others. We compare our looks, our lives, and our journeys without even realizing it, and it’s ruining our self-esteem. When you look at someone and grow envious, remember that they have an entire back story that you don’t get to see.

You may be comparing the beginning of your journey to the end of someone else’s. You don’t know how long they’ve been working or what they’ve sacrificed to get there. You’re not making a fair comparison. More often than not, if you really knew the whole story, you wouldn’t want to trade places with them at all. Just be grateful for how far you’ve come. You worked hard for the life you have; it deserves to be appreciated.

Take Care Of Yourself

The next part of inspired living is all about self-care. You have to take time out of your week to recharge your battery. Self-care is an essential part of every powerful woman’s schedule. As women, we wear a lot of different hats, and we play many different roles.

We feel the pressure of those roles every day, but we have to find some release. That’s when self-care comes into play. Create space in your life for your hobbies and some alone time. Remember that your productivity doesn’t determine your worth. If you want to be productive, you have to take care of yourself first.

Asking For Help Is Self-Care

Self-care isn’t always about reading your favorite book or taking a bubble bath. Sometimes, it’s about putting your pride aside and asking for help when you need it. I don’t know when it became a sign of weakness to ask for help but asking for support isn’t weak or shameful. It takes strength to ask for help.

I keep a massive support system around me filled with friends, family, doctors, mentors, and everyone I work with. They all help me in different areas of my life, but I couldn’t survive without their support. They remind me never to give up. Whatever you’re going through remember, if you can’t do it alone, God put someone in your life to help you through it.

The 30 Day Challenge

They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but 30 days will make the habits stick. I designed my 30-day challenge to share what others have shared with me throughout my life. It’s 30 days of daily decisions and encouragement that have not only kept me afloat but have me looking for blessings even in the storms.

When you go to my website and sign up for this challenge, you will get a message from me every day for 30 days. I’ll tell you my personal story and how I overcome obstacles in my life in those messages. You can easily take on this challenge since it comes in bite-size pieces. I’m not here to overwhelm you; I want you to look forward to the daily challenge, and I pray each message blesses you in some way.

I hope the daily messages will inspire you to live a life that you’re proud of, and I pray that it encourages you to seek wisdom and puts a different perspective on challenges that come your way.

To sign up, just click the Join Life Hack below. I can’t wait for you to join my challenge! Don’t forget to leave some feedback. See you there!

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